Researchers from BUCSR are co-organising the 3rd International Workshop on Trust in Cloud Computing (IWTCC 2018). IWTCC2018 is co-located with the 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, which is taking place between 17-20 December 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland.
This workshop aims to explore approaches for defining and establishing trust relationships in a dynamic and evolving UCC service environment, and investigate mechanisms, methodologies and technologies to enable the provision of assurances needed to fulfil users’ trust beliefs.
The workshop is a one day event for researchers world-wide to present their latest work in privacy, security and trust in the cloud, and to show how this research can be used to enable innovation.
This workshop is co-organised by both Abir Awad and Asma Adnane (University of Derby, UK).