EduWeb: Combating Digital Exclusion







This project aims to enhance the cooperation between schools and educational institutions across Europe in order to combat the digital exclusion of adults in terms of Internet use by making students, the educators of the digitally illiterate adult members of their families, in safe and creative web.

The partners participating from United Kingdom, including BU, will bring the good Internet practices that need to be adapted from Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Italy in order to fight their national aim for combating the digital exclusion of their citizens. This will include material on cyber security as computer literacy is hindered by people’s fear of both technology and the dangers when being online.

More details can be found on the project website.

Contacts: Ed Apeh, Vasilis Katos, Nikos Ntemkas

FundersEuropean Commission

Collaborators: Bulgarian Ministry of Youth and Sports, Computer Technology Institute and Press, Cypriot Pedagogical Institute, IPACA, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Veneto

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